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aihua qiu, deputy director of the foreign affairs office of hunan provincial party committee,investigated and guided foreign affairs work at intellimicro

createdate:2020-12-21 15:25readnum: frequencyshare:

on the morning of december 18th, 2020, a group of officials led by aihua qiu, deputy director of the foreign affairs office of hunan provincial party committee, investigated and guided foreign affairs work at our company. zhiyang liao, division chief of american and oceanian affairs division of the foreign affairs office of hunan provincial party committee; yuxia liu, senior investigator; and others accompanied.

the deputy director came to our glp lab for investigation and heard a report on the development, project progress and planning of our company. he learned in details about the work and specific needs of our foreign colleagues and had a formal discussion with representatives of our foreign employees on difficulties and problems met in the company’s production and operation, and the support required for regular control and prevention measures of the pandemic.

    he pointed out that, through this investigation, he had a new, comprehensive and deep understanding of intellmicro as well as the  “imie intelligent visual implant”. he added that, in spite of the epidemic, intellimicro managed to overcome all difficulties and spared no effort to complete the first human clinical scientific research. that was by no means an easy task and he gave his congratulations on the achievement we made and he hold expectation to intellimicro’s future.

    he emphasized that intellimicro was a world-class high-tech medical project of great importance introduced by the hunan province and a priority in government services of foreign affairs departments in provincial and municipal levels. the foreign affairs office of hunan provincial party committee would formulate the work plan for 2021 on foreign affairs according to related policies of the central party committee and hunan provincial party committee, continue to provide guidance on and assistance in foreigners’ visa application and passport processing, strive to do a good job in government services in foreign affairs and help enterprises to resume work and production. the deputy director hoped that intellimicro could actively function as the bridge to the world, attracting more high-tech medical research achievements worldwide to transfer in changsha so as to make hunan’s share of contribution to the health of all mankind.

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