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intellimicro’s brightness action great love warms jinzhong – intellimicro consoles zuo quan propaganda team of the blind in shanxi

createdate:2020-10-27 08:52readnum: frequencyshare:

 ininvigorating autumn, the weather in shanxi province is glorious. intellimicroheaded for zuo quan county, shanxi province to console the zuo quan propagandateam of the blind, communicate with the blind friends, and provide them withclinical treatment on october 23.

zuo quan propaganda team of the blind, setup in 1938, has a history of 82 years so far since the anti-japanese propagandaof the first generation. their hearts are bright despite the blindness of theireyes, and they have composed a magnific song of life with their indomitablestruggle in taihang mountains.

zuo quan propaganda team of the blind sangthe local folk songs of shanxi province general officer of zuoquan and red peach blossom and white apricot blossom to welcomethe intellimicro team. intellimicro team also visited the propaganda team’s honors room and living room, got toknow about their glorious history and life, and encouraged them to constantlystrive to become stronger and continue to be tenacious.

the responsible person of intellimicros tated that, the visit to zuo quan has deeply moved him for the great spirit of zuo quan, the general officer, who has sacrificed his young and precious life for the people’s interests, the nationalliberation, and the victory of chinese peoplesanti-japanese war. also, for the patriotism inherited generations by generations by the zuo quan propaganda team of the blind for over 80 years.

he also stated that, the development and innovation of technology will for sure change the destiny of the blind. supporting and caring the disabled is the social responsibility and historical mission of intellimicro. intellimicro’s world first imie intelligent visual implant was released successfully and has made the blinds dream of vision restoration for over five thousand years come true. intellimicro is striving for serving the blind with the project sooner. may the blind friends proceed with confidence, insist their dreams, and make all the efforts to create a wonderful life worthy of the times together with intellimicro. as sang by the blind, we believe that the beautifulvision of red peach blossom and white apricot blossom is bound to be achieved soon.

after the consolation, intellimicro team visited the memorial hall of general officer zuo quan to know about his heroicactions and cherished the memory of him. culture and tourism bureau of zuo quan county; person in charge of the county’s disabled persons federation; loving entrepreneurs fawang yan and shouli yan, shareholders of the company attended the consolation also.

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