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core base team scientific consultant
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changlin pang

createdate:2018-10-26 14:10readnum: frequencyshare:


doctoral degree from caltech.

bachelor and master degrees in the department of precision instrument and machinery of tsinghua university, china.

17 academic papers published, over 20 authorized and pending patents in america and china.

more than 10 years' experience in r&d and industrialization of electric nerve stimulation projects.

founded "replenish, inc.”, a science and technology company, as a patent inventor, committed to development and industrialization of the miniature implantable ocular medical pump. joined alcon, the world's largest ophthalmic pharmaceutical company under novartis, the world' s second largest pharmaceutical company, as the principal engineer of alcon micro device r&d center, engaged in the industrialization of the ocular medical pump.

last one: robert grubbs
next one: rahman davoodi
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